Collagen Peptides 30 Servings


SKU: DH1840 Category:


Collagen is a special type of protein that accounts for as much as 30% of the body’s total protein. In particular, it’s a primary structural component of connective tissue. 

It constitutes 75% of skin, 70% of ligaments, 65-80% of tendons, 50% of cartilage, 30% of tooth dentin, 16% of bone, 10-11% of muscle, and is also part of the structure of arteries and veins. 

The amino acid composition of dietary collagens is very similar to those in human collagens, making dietary collagen peptides ideal for supporting body collagen turnover and renewal. 

These processes go on continually, so it’s important to ensure the body has enough raw materials to build healthy new tissue. 

Compared to other proteins, collagen has a unique amino acid composition and a distinct role in human anatomy.

Collagen proteins are rich in the modified amino acid hydroxyproline (approx. 12%), and they have an unusually high content of glycine and proline (approx. 22% and 13%, respectively). While other dietary proteins—beef, poultry, or fish, for example—can provide these, collagen itself is a much more concentrated source, and as such, may be a more effective choice when someone has a health and wellness goal related to collagen as a structural protein, such as in supporting the strength and flexibility of bones, tendons and cartilage, as well as the appearance of skin and nails, and GI tract health. Many individuals—the elderly in particular—do not consume adequate protein. 


Even among those with a higher protein intake, unless nose-to-tail eating is emphasized, the richest sources of collagen—animal skins, bones, and tendons—are not typically part of the modern Western diet. Since collagen powder can be incorporated into shakes & smoothies, coffee or tea, soups, stews and other foods and beverages, Whole Body Collagen is a convenient way to ensure adequate intake of these unique amino acids, and for those who may need more, such as athletes, aging individuals, and those recovering from injury. 

Whole Body Collagen contains a unique blend of three patented collagen peptides supported by clinical research showing their efficacy for supporting collagen production, bone strength, joint health and integrity, skin elasticity and more.

How to Take• As a dietary supplement, mix 13 grams (approx. one scoop)with eight ounces of water per day, or as directed by your health care practitioner. 

For best consistency, add powder to mixing vessel before adding water or other liquid.• 

This product can also be mixed into hot or cold beverages and foods, such coffee or tea, soups and stews, sauces, yogurt, dairy or non-dairy milks, mashed potatoes or cauliflower, and homemade desserts.


SIZE : 390 G (0.86 LBS) POWDER

DISCLAIMER: If you are pregnant, consult your healthcare provider before taking supplements. 

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease or disorder.


Additional information

Weight 18.2 oz
Dimensions 5 × 6.5 in